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Dondrup Gyal
Lowell Cook
Published 2022-11-15
Copyright (c) 2022 Dondrup Gyal, Lowell Cook
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Authors retain copyright and agree to license their articles with a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-
English Language Works
Cook, Lowell, trans. Forthcoming. A Frostbitten Flower and Other Stories: The Collected Fiction of Dondrup Gyal.
Hartley, Lauran Ruth. 2003. “Contextually speaking: Tibetan Literary Discourse and Social Change in the People’s Republic of China (1980-2000).” PhD Diss., Indiana University.
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Weiner, Benno. 2021. The Chinese Revolution on the Tibetan Frontier. Ithaca: Columbia University Press.
Tibetan Language Works
Bde skyid ’tsho. 2006. “Rnam shes kyi dbyangs rta la skyom bas/ /yid ’ong gar gyi stangs stabs bsgyur bar byas/ /—don grub rgyal gyi sgyu rtsom zhing khams/” Translated by Rdo sbis klu rgyal don grub. In Sems pa’i rtsom gyi lam bu/ myong dpyad phra mo’i bsang gtor, 49–123. Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
Don grub rgyal. 1997. “Tshul khrims rgya mtsho” in Dpal don grub rgyal gyi gsung ’bum. Vol. 2, Brtsams sgrung phyogs bsgrigs, 78–118. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
Gangs zhun. 2009. “‘Tshul khrims rgya mtsho’i’ las dbang /—‘tshul khrims rgya mtsho’i’ ma rtsom gcig dang bu rtsom gnyis la go bsdur te dpyad pa” in Dpal don grub rgyal la zhib ’jug byas pa’i dpyad rtsom phyogs bsgrigs, edited by Sprel nag pa rig ’dzin dpal ldan, 417–436. Lanzhou: Kan su’u mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
Rang sgra (Tshe rgyal). 1999. “Tshul khrims rgya mtsho.” In Gangs ‘dabs kyi gtam rgyud: rang sgra’i sgrung gtam phyogs bsgrigs, 160–230. Zi Ling: mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
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